Spike gremlin
Spike gremlin

spike gremlin

Stripe seemed to act more focused than the other gremlins while he was playing poker in Dorry's Tavern and only seems to laugh when another individual is hurt (mainly Gizmo), proving him to be sadistic. Gizmo made for Nintendo Game Boy Advanced. His dislike for Gizmo was so popular that there was even a video game known as Stripe vs. Stripe has the overall mind of a gangster when it comes to his choices of weaponry such as handguns and machine guns. His dislike for Gizmo may have been because he did not want the other Mogwai to refer to Gizmo as their leader because they were born from him. Stripe was very hostile to Gizmo the Mogwai. He seemed to be more serious in situations unlike the other gremlins. Stripe was very cruel and vile to Gizmo and did not seem to have much care for the other gremlins (who he only seemed to see as his minions) either.

spike gremlin

However, if you take a closer look at his upcoming NECA action figure, you will notice that his eyes are dark orange with black pupils. His eyes seem at first red in appearance. He also had black scales and black stripes on his ears. However, he had a white colored underbelly, as well as underneath his chin and the front part of his ears.


His face was also more slimy in appearance and was more reflective than the skin of a normal gremlin. Mohawk almost seemed to have something on the bottom of his chin that resembled a rooster's beard. Unlike normal gremlins from the series, Mohawk's skin seemed scalier and more colorful. When Mohawk became a gremlin, his mohawk turned into a spiked fin and his appearance was more exotic-looking. He had sharp teeth, bloodshot eyes, bat-like ears and had black and white fur, with a white beard. When Stripe was reborn as the Mogwai Mohawk, he bore a strong resemblance to his gremlin self. Stripe several other stripes on the back of his neck, arms, and legs like all of the other gremlins who had stripe patterns. He has a snout-like nose like all of the other gremlins.

spike gremlin

He had a three-spiked chin and large goblin-like ears. He has several spikes that start from above his eyes and run down to the side of his face. And like all of the other gremlins had long arms and legs with three fingers and toes. He had a yellow underbelly, chin, and front of his ears. His skin was more of a green color than dark greenish-brown. His skin still seemed to be brighter than the other gremlins. He still had a white fur quiff on his head and had red eyes with black pupils. When he was fed after midnight and turned into a gremlin, he gained a more fearsome appearance just like all of the other gremlins. He often seemed to have a sinister look on his face even as a Mogwai. When Stripe was born as a Mogwai, his fur was slightly brighter than the other Mogwai and he had a white quiff of fur on the top of his head, hence he was given the nickname "Stripe".

Spike gremlin